Toybox Attack

Toybox Attack was developed in 48 hours as part of the 2023 GMTK Game Jam for the theme Roles Reversed.

About Toybox Attack

Toybox Attack is a reverse tower defence game, where the player attempts to get their cat toys past a group of rowdy cats. Players are given a set amount of buttons each round to purchase toys with, and can choose when in the wave to send their toys.

Different toys have different effects, such as stunning nearby cats or being more attractive than other toys. The game features four types of cats: black cats which attack by screeching, calico cats who bat at anthing near them, which attack with, ginger cats who cough up hairballs, and white cats who shoot claws.

My Role

I acted primarily as the programmer for Toybox Attack while also helping with the design. I implemented all of the mechanics and functionality, including the behaviours of the cats, the different toys and UI.
