Bear Fortification Force

Bear Fortification Force was developed over the course of six weeks in 2019 as part of the Design Prototyping Fundamentals unit of my AIE Game Design diploma.

About Bear Fortification Force

In Bear Fortification Force, the player attempts to prevent waves of angry ducks from stealing their teddy bears by building upgradable turrets along a river to shoot at the ducks. The turrets could have their range and fire speed upgraded and there were three types of ducks, each of which have different amounts of health and speeds. In between waves of ducks, the player can move around to upgrade and place turrets with currency they get from defeating the ducks, while during waves, they join in with the turret at shooting at the ducks.

My Role

Bear Fortification Force was a solo project and my attempt to mix the tower defence and twin stick shooter genres. I modelled low-poly trees, rocks and a tile based kit and created flower decals for the level, and programmed a primitive wave system to manage the waves of duck enemies.
